

Hi, Good Evening today i want solve old challenge from (https://www.root-me(.)org  Start the challenge :) So without wasted your time lets do it!!! Im stuck at the page :( So i check the source no hint but i open inspect element and looking source i find him :) just cut "disabled type" and second form same :/ So you can type anything in the box and u can get the FLAG :? See you later guys ↑↕

Over The Wire (Bandit) Level 0-13

Bandit wargames by OverTheWire is aimed at begginers and is lot of teach basic and useful leads..Finding the solution is one thing, however eliminating other solutions and what you learn on the way is a great experience. Its highly recommend you try to solve these yourself before looking at the solutions. Note no keys or spoilers are found here. U can found at (" ") Hints : * : Read the goals for each level and the suggested commands on overthewire. * : I using Putty to connect this ssh from bandit (" Download Putty ") Level Walk Through’s Level 0 SSH in with given credentials Level 1 Seems only files in the / home / bandit1 called "-" and its ASCII Text Checking file sizes shows there is something in there, Trying to open this with "CAT" appears to go nowhere, just appears to be waiting for something. Notice in the man for "CAT" and exception for no file